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URL Shortener

Paste the long URL and make it short!

This is a free online service which helps you shorten long URLs that never expire.

Your shortened URL

  • Total Hits: 49,526
  • Total URLs: 182
  • Today's added URLs: 0

Recently added URLs

Short URL Long URL Datetime Hits
https://pburl.link/c6 https://evelin.live/free_im 2025-02-13 08:53:10 3
https://pburl.link/c5 http://brys-dom.ru 2025-01-11 17:29:15 21
https://pburl.link/c4 https://abdel97-48654824.hubspotpagebuilder.com/pl... 2025-01-06 16:06:01 24
https://pburl.link/c3 https://sighub.world 2024-09-07 11:31:02 696
https://pburl.link/c2 https://nofile.org/v/6d5048 2024-09-02 01:26:17 79

Most popular URLs

Short URL Long URL Datetime Hits
https://pburl.link/cd http://j7i4y77qxulhl3iqhw5ysr75wthjdxjzoj2u5w32aff... 2024-02-01 11:58:27 12,029
https://pburl.link/b8 https://anonymfile.com/4Vz8/56445654.mp4 2024-01-18 13:07:50 11,706
https://pburl.link/v https://mirandamason1257.hopp.to/santander 2023-06-12 20:15:21 11,519
https://pburl.link/b7 https://anonymfile.com/mjBO/678777778.mp4 2024-01-18 13:07:31 6,610
https://pburl.link/cH 2024-05-06 23:59:23 818